Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Hospital Notice Board

Autumn 1915

CONCERTS are held at frequent intervals in the Recreation Room; they begin at 4.30 p.m., unless otherwise announced. The dates of forthcoming concerts are posted on the door of the Recreation Room and on the notice boards in the Sisters' and Nurses' Rooms. Ward orderlies should note that on concert afternoons the tea is given out from the kitchen at 3.30 p.m.
It is essential that chair and stretcher cases for the concerts should arrive not later than 4.15, as the orderlies in charge of the Recreation Room find considerable difficulty in arranging the reserved floor space, and when chairs and stretchers come in late the opening of the entertainment is delayed. The vacant floor space and gangway have to be kept clear for the disposal of the chairs and stretchers, and if these attempt to enter late it is often unfortunately necessary to refuse them admission because a further re-arrangement of the audience is impracticable.


  1. Sue,
    Many thanks for posting all the pieces. I am following them all with great interest as you can imagine. The spirit of the hospital really comes through, and no wonder it was called 'The Happy Hospital'!


  2. There's enough in the books to keep going for a long time - I just need the stamina to keep up with it!
