Friday, 30 April 2010

The Light that Failed


  1. A service record exists for George James Coates in WO 364. I've not been through all of the pages, but the opening page is his discharge to the reserve.

    George was an artist by profession (or trade) who had joined the 3rd London General in April 1915. He was graded C3. His discharge certificate states that he was 49 years old, a sergeant, and that his number was 541073. I think you probably have access to Ancestry, but if you don't, and you'd like me to send you his service record, please let me know.

  2. Thanks Paul - I hadn't thought to look before - too tied up with those wretched women! It says he was diagnosed with neurasthenia in 1913, and had never gone sick throughout the war until March 1919, when he was suffering from insomnia, vertigo and depression. Discharged as permanently unfit, though by that time his bit was well and truly done.
